Repairing Sneakers At Home - Extend The Lifespan Of Your Shoes

Repairing sneakers uae at home is a great way to save money and get your kicks back in shape quickly. Depending on the type of shoe you have and the damage, there are a number of techniques you can try. 

For worn-down heels, you can buy heel tips or heel caps to replace the ones you have. To replace them, grab a pair of pliers and gently shimmy the existing dowel out of the end of the heel. Then, grab the new one and gently put it back in, using your fingers to line it up in position, and then a hammer to secure it in place. If you don't have pliers or a hammer, you can take them to an expert for a professional finish.

For broken heels, you'll need heavy-duty super glue and sandpaper. First, use sandpaper to roughen the material on either side of the break (the top of the heel and the base of the sole). Sanding the surfaces will make it easier for the glue to bond the shoe back together. Then, take the superglue and apply a generous coating to either side. Check the instructions on the packet to see how long you should wait before pressing the heel and shoe together (some glues recommend leaving a few minutes to increase the adhesive qualities of the glue). Once you've pressed the heel and shoe together in the correct position, hold for a few minutes before securing it in place with elastic bands or a heavy object for 24 hours, giving the glue a maximum amount of time to take.

To prevent future problems and extend the lifespan of your shoes, you can install rubber ‘taps’ to the heels of your shoes. These taps protect your heels from wearing down quickly and can provide a bit of extra grip. You can also buy some transparent heel protectors. These are particularly handy if you do a lot of cities walking. They also add extra grip and you can always remove them once you’ve arrived at the office, at a dinner party, etc.

Finally, for stains, you'll need to determine the type of leather before getting to work on it. Mix one part of mild soap with eight parts of water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Then, gently wipe the stain, going with the grain of the leather. This solution should help to dissolve the dirt, debris, and any stains from the leather. To finish up, give your shoes a final clean with a wet wipe to make sure there is no dirt left on the material. Your shoes should appear brighter and cleaner instantly.


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