How To Identify Real vs Fake Nike Sneakers

One of the most popular and well-known products in the world, Nike Snkrs are favorite among counterfeiters. If you shop carelessly, you can buy a phony pair of Nike shoes rather than the real thing. Fortunately, there are a few indicators you can watch out for to prevent getting conned. And this article outlines 10 ways to determine if a pair of Nikes is genuine or phony. Check The Seller Researching the shop or seller you'll be buying from is the first and most crucial step before deciding to buy Nike sneakers online or from the UAE sneaker marketplace. Always study the reviews and customer feedback of the online business before purchasing Nike sneakers if it is not from an authorized retailer. As you may all be aware, Nike forbids third parties from using its name or trademark in their domain names. For instance, was later deactivated and is now routed to Nike's authorized retailer or official store. Always Compare The Price One of the most obvious indic...